Episode #80: How to Create Massive Growth and Success in Your Business with Shontaye Hawkins

Business Success Coach – Shontaye Hawkins joins me today. She’s the CEO of Emergence Success Solutions, the premier coaching company for entrepreneurs. She has worked for Fortune 500 companies such as Goldman Sachs and Bank of New York to build wealth in excess of $1 billion and attract high net worth clients. She now helps entrepreneurs create massive growth and success in their business and today is going to share:

  • Key business building systems that will add thousands of dollars to your bottom line
  • Success strategies to keep more of the money you make and remove financial fear to live in financial freedom
  • Clarity and action steps to achieve your business financial goals
  • and much more!

Links and further resources we spoke about in the podcast today:

Today’s Inspirational Tip – it’s a Tweetable!

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. – Johann Wolfgang von Gothe” Via @AnnemarieCoach Tweet This

Enjoy the show!

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Now, let me introduce you to our special guest –Shontaye Hawkins

Shontaye Hawkins is a Business Success Coach and the CEO of Emergence Success Solutions, the premier coaching company for entrepreneurs. She has worked for Fortune 500 companies such as Goldman Sachs and Bank of New York to build wealth in excess of $1 billion and attract high net worth clients. She now helps entrepreneurs create massive growth and success in their business

Contact ShontayeShontaye Hawkins (2)



What did you think about the message Shontaye shared today? Which tip was the biggest ‘aha’ for you and will help you build massive growth and success in your business.

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