Episode #58: Get Health Now: Tips to a fitter and healthy YOU! – The Ambitious Entrepreneur Show

Do you look in the mirror and wish you could loose a few of those extra kilos (or maybe even more) yet despite the best of intentions to exercise regularly and eat the right food, within a short time you’re back following your bad habits?

Well you’re in for a treat as my guest is Leanne Sklavenitis who has over 23 years of experience as an Online Fitness Expert, Group Fitness instructor and Personal Trainer running a successful home based business.

And she’s going to share how you can learn how to obtain a healthy lifestyle, the keys to living longer and feeling fitter, and how to lose the weight that is holding you back from your healthy lifestyle.

Leanne speaks about:

  • Three things you could do in the next half hour to start having a health lifestyle
  • The number one health problem that people suffer from today and how you can prevent it from happening to you
  • How you stay motivated to exercise and eat well and why you may find yourself giving up
  • And much more



Our Guest Expert:

Leanne Sklavenitis creates healthy lifestyles for people who deserve them.  She has been extensively involved in the Fitness industry in Australia and the USA for 23 years as an Online Fitness Expert, Group Fitness instructor and Personal Trainer running a successful home based business.

Leanne is about to launch an online fitness and health membership site.  It is a one-stop resource designed to assist you in gaining the healthy lifestyle you deserve.  It is full of easy to read fact sheets, tips and information on everything to do with your health and fitness.  No need to Google anymore this site has it all – you deserve it.


Contact Leanne Sklavenitis:

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What were some of your ‘aha’ moments? Has Leanne inspired you kickstart your healthy lifestyle regime?Let me know in the comment box below. It’s always so nice to hear from you!!

By the way, do have a topic you’d like me to cover in an upcoming show? Wonderful! Connect with me on our new Facebook community and let me know!

Or are you an expert with wisdom to share with other ambitious entrepreneurs? Go on – don’t be shy. It’ll just be like we’re having a chat over a virtual coffee – promise!!


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