Finding Fulfilment Series: Addressing Common Unhelpful Time & Money Beliefs to Achieve MORE Clarity, Certainty and Confidence with Lana Johnson

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Expert Podcast.

This is episode 2 of a special 3-part series – Finding Fulfilment, which we’re speaking with Guest Expert, Lana Johnson.

Lana is an accomplished Facilitator, Speaker, leadership coach, strategic planner and organisational change specialist who is passionate about helping clients realise and own their capabilities, strengths and talents so they can finally experience a sense of achievement and fulfilment in the life, business and career.

She draws on twenty years’ experience across the complimentary disciplines of Corporate StrategicPlanning, Organisational Change Management, Human Resource Management andBusiness Performance Management.

In Episode 1 Lana shared How to Achieve MORE Clarity, Certainty and Confidence so we could find fulfilment in our lives, businesses and careers.

In Episode 2, which is today’s show, Lana is going to share some Common unhelpful Time & Money Beliefs To Achieve More Clarity, Certainty and Confidence.

In episode 3 we will be eliminating common barriers that are keeping you stuck from achieving more clarity, certainty and confidence, and you are probably not even aware of these ways you can self-sabotage your own success.

Let’s introduce Lana to you.

Lana is an accomplished Facilitator, Speaker, leadership coach, strategic planner and organisational change specialist who is passionate about helping clients realise and own their capabilities, strengths and talents so they can finally experience a sense of achievement and fulfilment in the life, business and career.

She draws on twenty years’ experience across the complimentary disciplines of Corporate Strategic Planning, Organisational Change Management, Human Resource Management and Business Performance Management.

On today’s show Lana is going to share:

  • Unhelpful beliefs around time and money youMUST change if you ever hope to find real fulfilment in your life, business and/or career.
  • Common misconceptions around time you MUST know about before you make any life-changing decisions.
  • How to establish and maintain clear and firm boundaries around time and money to help you on your way to finding fulfilment.

Listen now:

About Lana Johnson:

Lana is an accomplished Facilitator, Speaker, leadership coach, strategic planner and organisational change specialist who is passionate about helping clients realise and own their capabilities, strengths and talents so they can finally experience a sense of achievement and fulfilment in the life, business and career.

She draws on twenty years’ experience across the complimentary disciplines of CorporateStrategic Planning, Organisational Change Management, Human Resource Management and Business Performance Management.

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