[Ep #6] Facing a challenge? Refocus, be authentic and just keep going with Katyan Roach

“When you're facing a challenge – refocus, be authentic and JUST KEEP GOING.”  — Katyan Roach

This podcast is brought to you by Coaches Connection Academy.com – THE Missing Link For Coaches.

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Transcript of the Questions & Answers

(1) Have you always wanted to be a coach or was there a PIVOTAL moment in your life that prompted the shift?

I've always had a passion for helping others, social media is just one of the ways I reach out.

(2) Who is your IDEAL client and how do you support them?

My ideal client is one who has a clear understanding of what they want to accomplish online and are willing to allow me to assist. Someone who is open to the pivoting that’s necessary to be successful online.

(3) We all have times in our businesses when things get tough. How do you deal with challenges?

Besides wanting to throw in the towel 😉 I refocus, I discuss my challenges with people I trust and I make the necessary adjustments to keep moving forward.

(4) What advice do you have for NEWBIE COACHES just starting out their coaching journey?

Just keep going, be open to suggestions, change is good and be authentic.

About Katyan Roach

Katyan Roach is a Social Media Manager & Coach, who works with coaches to take their business to the next level. A true Caribbean girl who's never seen snow


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