Episode 92: Living Life to the Fullest for Magnificent Midlife Women with Debbie Davis

As an Adventurous Entrepreneur, Spiritual Seeker and Magnificent Midlife Woman Debbie Davis is a passionate promoter of living life to its fullest.

On today’s show Debbie will share:

  • How you can reframe midlife so you can see it as an opportunity rather than a crisis
  • The question all midlife women should be asking themselves
  • Guidance, encouragement and practical steps that will enable you to embrace midlife so you can live your life to the fullest,
  • and much more!

Links and further resources we spoke about in the podcast today:

Enjoy the show!

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Now, let me introduce you to our special guest –Debbie Davis

Debbie Davis is a Certified Coach, Adventurous Entrepreneur, Spiritual Seeker and Magnificent Midlife Woman.

As a passionate promoter of living life to its fullest, she supports other midlife women on their journey to renewal and reinvention. She is a lifelong learner and has been studying Eastern and Western Spirituality for about 25 years. She is a certified yoga instructor, because she finds that moving meditation works for her.

She enjoys writing, speaking and teaching about life, love and the pursuit of happiness. For fun, you might find her out in the ocean surfing when the waves are good, playing guitar, dancing, singing or whatever else inspires her in the moment.

Contact Debbied_davis


What inspired you the most from listening to Debbie today? What steps are you going to take to ensure you live life to the fullest? Go ahead and share. We’d love to hear from you!

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