[Ep#400] 6 Mindset and Practical Shifts to Make This Year Your Best Yet

6 Mindset and Practical Shifts to Make This Year Your Best Yet 

Are you ready to make 2024 your best year yet?  

In the latest episode of the Women in Leadership Podcast, Annemarie Cross and special guest Karen Crowell shared 6 mindset and practical shifts to help you level up this year. These strategies are designed to help you overcome challenges, set and achieve your goals, and elevate your success, no matter what industry you're in.  

Here are 3 Key Takeaways from this episode: 

🔑 Inner Circle Audit: Auditing the 5 closest people we surround ourselves with can have a significant impact on our focus and mindset. If we can't change the people we're around, we can change the conversations we have to ensure we're getting the positivity and support needed to thrive.

🔑 Crunch Time Question: Asking, “If I am to achieve a dream that had previously seemed impossible within the next 12 months, what would I have to let go of, and what would I have to embrace?” is a powerful way to gain clarity and focus on the steps necessary to achieve our goals.

🔑 Focus on the Fix, Not the Fault: Shifting our focus to finding solutions rather than dwelling on faults can be a game-changer. This mindset shift allows us to take responsibility, learn from setbacks, and move forward productively.



Jump straight to these golden nuggets:

00:00 Empowering women to succeed and support each other.

05:34 Evaluating impact on environment and making adjustments.

09:37 Adapting to change, not burning bridges.

10:37 Questions for self-transformation and self-accountability.

15:41 Mentor's advice on systems for success.

18:10 Efficient system stores business technologies and information.

20:30 Shift focus from negative to empowering thoughts.

23:41 Year focused on collaborations with industry leaders.


Topic: Shifts for Making 2024 the Best Year Yet

  • Annemarie and Karen discuss 6 mindset and practical shifts to make 2024 a successful year.
  • Reflecting on the previous year's experiences and assessing what worked well and what didn't.

Topic: Auditing Inner Circle

  • Karen shares her perspective on gaining insight from a biblical verse, emphasizing the significance of the people in one's inner circle.
  • Discussion on the impact of conversations and the subconscious mind.
  • Encouraging listeners to audit their inner circle and change conversations to stay on track.

Topic: Self-Direction and Responsibility

  • Emphasizing self-responsibility in steering one's own life and direction.
  • Encouraging individuals to focus on their goals and be courageous enough to take responsibility for their lives.
  • Karen discusses the importance of staying true to one's path and how it relates to her faith.
  • Annemarie shares a mindset related to her ruler archetype and using a “crunch time question” to gain clarity and accountability for achieving dreams.

Topic: Focus on the Fix, Not the Fault

  • Discussions on focusing on solutions instead of dwelling on faults or blame.
  • Acknowledging that unexpected challenges are part of life and the importance of finding solutions.
  • Encouraging individuals to set a time limit for addressing issues and then focusing on finding solutions.
  • Annemarie shares her belief in the importance of collaborations for elevating personal and professional growth.


Reflecting on Hebrews 12/15: “Let no root of bitterness spring up because it'll cause trouble to yourself and to others and will defile many.”

— Karen Crowell [00:02:47 → 00:02:54]

Fueling Your Life: “Grace, it's the fuel… It's the fuel to pursue God and to do life.”

— Karen Crowell [00:03:15 → 00:03:17]

Choosing the Right Influence: “But if you can't change the people that you're hanging around with, you can change the conversations. And our subconscious is always listening to our conversations whether we're aware of it or not. And so if you have to be around people that are not really giving you good fuel and then tainting your fuel, then change the conversations so that you are staying on track. And so that would be my first one is auditing that inner circle. Yeah. Who you're hanging out with.”

— Karen Crowell [00:03:55 → 00:04:28]

Courage and Goals: “You really need to look at where do you feel you need to be? What are your goals? And to be courageous enough to step up and do and say the things that you need to do.”

— Karen Crowell [00:07:03 → 00:07:15]

The Power of Effective Communication: “Too often, we just stop talking to people, then we remove ourselves. And then that doesn't help the other person to grow either. And so we need to be sure that we're doing again, how we do things affects other people. So we wanna do it in love. We wanna do it in kindness. We don't wanna be angry or just leave. Again, people it's kinda like a text message. You know? You can say something, but because they can't hear your voice inflection, they really don't know how you mean it, and so things get misconstrued and hurt feelings that really didn't need to be hurt.”

— Karen Crowell [00:07:51 → 00:08:27]

Courage and Responsibility: “Sometimes people do things, and they don't even realize how they're affecting you. But if you speak up and you say, you know, that really I just really don't like to hear that or I'm really trying hard to stay positive.”

— Karen Crowell [00:08:35 → 00:08:49]

Finding Your Direction: “Only you can do you.”

— Karen Crowell [00:12:22 → 00:12:23]

Taking Responsibility: “Because if you're finding yourself blaming circumstances or other people, you're really not taking responsibility Because there's always something that we could do that could help a situation or change a situation.”

— Karen Crowell [00:13:11 → 00:13:26]

Overcoming Disappointments: “Well, the promise is that he will bring us through. So we know that this is just gonna be part of life. Things aren't gonna go the way we plan.”

— Karen Crowell [00:19:40 → 00:20:12]

The Power of Systems: “Systems liberate you.”

— Annemarie Cross [00:16:09 → 00:16:11]

The Power of Collaboration: “When you collaborate with like-minded industry leaders or other specialists who offer complimentary services, support expertise to what you do, and who also work with your ideal client, you find that together you are better.”

— Annemarie Cross [00:24:01 → 00:24:10]

The Power of Collaboration: “I really believe collaborations will elevate you because together, united, you're gonna be able to offer and really be positioned be able to position yourselves collaboratively far greater than if you were to do that individually.”

— Annemarie Cross [00:25:26 → 00:25:41]

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