[Ep#349] Knowledge is never a burden

Knowledge is never a burden 

My guest today says: It makes my heart sing when I see my people making purposeful change in their lives.

Joining me today is Estelle Kelly.

Estelle is a Retirement Life Coach, who assists people struggling with the uncertainties of navigating retirement. She works with nurturing professionals aged 55 years plus who are not sure what is the next life stage for them – particularly working with educators, health workers and social workers.

When it comes to planning a fulfilling life ahead for themselves, they are a little overwhelmed by the very thought of what is next for them. They have successfully worked a few decades in their profession and are thinking about retirement but something is holding them back.

On today’s show Estelle is going to share:

  • Knowledge is never a burden
  • Learning to listen to others
  • Why loyalty can be a detriment as well as a benefit


Watch NOW: 


About Estelle:

I assist people struggling with the uncertainties of navigating retirement. I work with nurturing professionals, people 55 years plus who are not sure what is the next life stage for them. I focus on educators, health workers and social workers; those whose profession is looking after others i.e., their patients, their students, their clients. When it come to planning a fulfilling life ahead for themselves, they are a little overwhelmed by the very thought of what is next for them. They have successfully worked a few decades in their profession and are thinking about retirement but something is holding them back. I am a Retirement Life Coach

Contact Estelle: 
About Annemarie Cross:

Dubbed “The Podcasting Queen,” Annemarie is recognized as an industry pioneer, launching her first co-hosted podcast in 2008 to be the voice of inspiration and hope amongst the deluge of ‘doom and gloom’ after the GFC devastated families worldwide.

Over a decade on, she’s the author of: Industry Thought Leader: How To Go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast and continues to be the voice of inspiration to a global audience through her award-winning podcasts.

Annemarie continues to live out her mission of ‘Changing the World – ONE Message at a Time’, with her own podcasts, as well as by supporting Professional Services Businesses (coaches and consultants) who are experts in their field (yet feel like they’re the world’s best kept secret) go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with their own Thought Leader Podcast.

Click here to access Annemarie's Industry Thought Leader Podcast Series to help you go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast.

Contact Annemarie:

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