[Ep#318] You don’t have to do it all on your own

You don’t have to do it all on your own

My guest today says, “Even though I think I can do everything on my own, and sometimes that can be overwhelming, I don’t have to do it all on my own because I’ve learned to partner with God in my business so I always have him to lean on.”

Joining me today is Danielle Welch.

Danielle is a Social Media Marketer and Coach for Local Small Businesses. When Danielle is not serving local small businesses through her marketing education and fulfillment services, she is balancing life with 2 kids, a wonderful supportive husband, and mentor individuals and/or couples to develop passive income to pursue a life based on their value systems.

On today’s show Danielle is going to share:

  1. Time management and planning
  2. It is OKAY to ask for help when you don’t know something or delegate tasks when you need to
  3. Pursue a mentor/have a coach to be your guide and sounding board


About Danielle:

Danielle Welch is a Social Media Marketer and Coach for Local Small Businesses. She started her business after 5+ years in the digital marketing industry as a sales consultant and recognizing that local small businesses needed more education on how to market their business through social media and empowerment to better decisions on marketing strategy based on what was best for their business. When Danielle is not serving local small businesses through her marketing education and fulfillment services, she is balancing life with 2 kids, a wonderful supportive husband, and mentor individuals and/or couples to develop passive income to pursue a life based on their value systems.

Contact Danielle:

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