[Ep#307] Living with intention helps find more joy in life

Living with intention helps find more joy in life

My guest today says, “The to do list isn’t going to stop unless you make it stop. Busy isn’t going to stop until you get incredibly intentional about what you put on your calendar.”

Joining me today is Renae Fieck.

Renae is a mom of 3, occupational therapist, and advocate for moms who desire more grace, space, and rest within their lives. She has found strength beyond her own to navigate life’s struggles through multiple miscarriages and a husband with a brain tumor and seizures. She now is passionate about helping women live free of the endless to do list, uncover their worth, let go of the constant chaos, and live in the rawness of life.

On today’s show Renae is going to share:

  1. Living with intention helps find more joy in life.
  2. Clutter creates chaos. Less is truly more in so many situations.
  3. It’s important to allow ourselves to go after our dreams.


About Renae:

Renae is a mom of 3, occupational therapist, and advocate for moms who desire more grace, space, and rest within their lives. She has found strength beyond her own to navigate life’s struggles through multiple miscarriages and a husband with a brain tumor and seizures. She now is passionate about helping women live free of the endless to do list, uncover their worth, let go of the constant chaos, and live in the rawness of life. She is the host of the annual More than Mom Summit, Great Clutter Clear Out, and The Charis Project: Grace + Intention for Every Day Life. She can be found at renaefieck.com

Contact  Renae:

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