[Ep#304] Obey God – even if it’s out of your comfort zone

Obey God – even if it’s out of your comfort zone

My guest today says, “Some won't approve with what you are building. That means, it's not for them.”

Joining me today is Bernice Loman.

Bernice, a woman of Faith, has a Master's and Bachelor's in Business Administration and Management and serves as the overseer, visionary and designer for Loman Creative Services, Loman Creative Marketing and MoTalents.

She has a passion for social media marketing, business development, economic growth, as well as developing inspiring business owners, entrepreneurs and spiritual leaders.

On today’s show Bernice is going to share:

  • Obey God even when He tells you to do something that is outside your comfort zone
  • Not to be afraid to form & develop new relationships
  • I learned to create a platform for Christian Business Owners in an area where CBOs don’t hardly meet.


About Bernice:

Bernice, a woman of Faith, has a Master's and Bachelor's in Business AdministraHon and Management and serves as the overseer, visionary and designer for Loman CreaHve Services, Loman CreaHve MarkeHng and MoTalents. It's definitely possible through God's grace. She has a passion for social media markeHng, business development, economic growth, as well as developing inspiring business owners, entrepreneurs and spiritual leaders. She is a CerHfied SoluHon Provider of Constant Contact, CerHfied ExecuHve Business Coach, Zoom Partner and Google CerHfied for Mobile Websites. She also hosts an annual ChrisHan Business Owners Business Summit for ChrisHan business owners, entrepreneurs and ministries. She enjoys traveling and educaHng with her fun-filled workshops and webinars. In her spare Hme, she enjoys youth & music ministry, serving as a Chairperson for Kimtech Training College in Africa, composing music and spending Hme with family & friends.

Contact  Bernice:

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