[Ep#263] Increasing sales while maintaining a work-life balance

Increasing sales while maintaining a work-life balance

My guest today says, “Increasing sales and revenue is really about one part training,one part skill, one part listening, and one part rapport.”

Joining me today is Doug Brown.

Doug is a business coach, business scaling and sales expert.   He has worked with many companies from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies such as Procter & Gamble. In addition,Doug was President of Sales and Training at Business Breakthroughs International (A Chet Holmes and Tony Robbins company).

On today’s show Doug is going to share:

  • Tips and best practices on how business owners can increasesales, while maintaining a work-life balance. [ Preparation  connection | rapport | frame outcome/seeking| getting into agreement what happens ] conveys confidence discovery/qualification (value and service) | Yes commitments / test closes |
  • Tips and strategies on how business owners can formulate implementation processes, including tips for sales professionals about how to convert over audio formats and calls.
  • Tips on staged and managed growth processes, as well as how to manage growing in multiple directions.


About Doug:  

I am a business coach, business scaling and sales expert. I have worked with many companies from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies such as Procter & Gamble. In addition, I was President of Sales and Training at Business Breakthroughs International (A Chet Holmes and Tony Robbins company).

Contact Doug:


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