[Ep#259] How to build your company properly from the beginning

How to build your company properly from the beginning

My guest today says, “I can tell you that if every entrepreneur built their businesses as well as they build their homes; the failure rate would not be as high as it is for new businesses. In case you’re wondering, it’s upward of 90%.”

Joining me today is Madeleine Taylor.

Madeleine left her job in Toronto in search for a better life in a small town (Collingwood Ontario). An internship with Jonathan Gillham came available for a start up digital marketing business. After 3 months working for Jon, they decided to launch a new business that would refine the process of content marketing. Content Refined was born in August 2016.


On today’s show Madeleine is going to share:

  • How to build your company properly from the beginning
  • How to find and build the right team for your business and create a great company culture with online contractors
  • Why spending the time creating data analytics will either make or break your


About Madeleine: 

Madeleine left her job in Toronto in search for a better life in a small town ( Collingwood Ontario) An internship with Jonathan Gillham came available for a start up digital marketing business. After 3 months working for Jon, they decided to launch a new business that would refine the process of content marketing. Content Refined was born in August 2016.

Contact Madeleine:


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