[Ep#256] Using mindfulness to be more focused

Using mindfulness to be more focused

Joining me today is Robert Plotkin.

Robert is the Founder of Technology for Mindfulness, a leading blog and Top 40 iTunes podcast on science, technology, and mindfulness.

In his Tap Into Mindfulness program, he teaches people how to be less distracted by their smartphones and how to retake control over their time to be more focused, productive, and creative.

His unique approach to technology and mindfulness stems from his combination of expertise in technology, decades of experience with Japanese martial arts, and training in Mindfulness- Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).

On today’s show Robert is going to share:

  • Using mindfulness to be more focused and less distracted by technology
  • How technology can enhance and impede focus and creativity
  • Adapting traditional mindfulness practices to today’s problems
  • Applying mindfulness lessons from martial arts to smartphone addiction


About Robert: 

Robert is the Founder of Technology for Mindfulness, a leading blog and Top 40 iTunes podcast on science, technology, and mindfulness.

In his Tap Into Mindfulness program, he teaches people how to be less distracted by their smartphones and how to retake control over their time to be more focused, productive, and creative.

His unique approach to technology and mindfulness stems from his combination of expertise in technology (as an MIT-educated computer scientist), decades of experience with Japanese martial arts, and training in Mindfulness- Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). He has written seven books on the social impact of computer technology, is a co-founder of the Hack Your Mind program at MIT, and the host of the Technology for Mindfulness podcast.

Contact Robert:


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