[Ep#248] Judging the quality of your customer experience

Judging the quality of your customer experience

My guest today says, “There is only one person that can judge the quality of your customer experience AND it’s not you.”

Joining me today is Chris Bell.

Chris is the Managing Director of a customer experience coaching company. Chris’ passion is to work with businesses to develop their team and customer experience strategy to ensure both the team and customers receive a quality consistently delivered customer experience and the business enjoys the rewards from this sustainable competitive advantage.

On today’s show Chris is going to share:

  • Gaining an understanding as to why our approach to customer experience development has been so successful
  • Understand why the experience both business teams and customers consistently receive will be the number competitive advantage moving forward
  • How we create a business culture that capitalizes on ALL team members creative thinking


Watch NOW: 

About Chris: 

I’m the Managing Director of a customer experience coaching company I launched in 2004.

My passion is to work with businesses to develop their team and customer experience strategy to ensure both the team and customers receive a quality consistently delivered customer experience and the business enjoys the rewards from this sustainable competitive advantage.

Contact Chris:


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