[Ep#242] Superfans: The Secret Weapon in Marketing

Superfans: The Secret Weapon in Marketing

Joining me today is Francesa Moi.

Know as The Meetup Queen, Francesca is an author, Certified Speaking Professional and coach, and I help successful business owners with a “time-for-money” one-to-one model, BOOM their business through social media and super-new marketing strategies to have fully booked workshops and events.

On today’s show Francesca will share:

  • How would you define a Superfan?
  • How to identify whom your Superfan is?
  • How to communicate and deepen engagement with your Superfan?
  • What assets/loyalty programs etc can we create in order to create an experience and/or environment where our Superfan WANTS to hang out with us?




What inspired you about the message shared today? What action are you going to take within the next 24 hours?

Go ahead and share. We’d love to hear from you!


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