[Ep#227] 5 Freelances to Save You More Time In Your Business

5 Freelances to Save You More Time In Your Business

My guest today says, “Approach each challenge as a business owner with a positive mindset. Some of the greatest failures lead to the largest business breakthroughs.”

Joining me today is Connor Gillivan.

Connor is the CMO of FreeeUp.com. He has sold over $30 million online, has hired hundreds of freelancers to build his companies, is a published author, and is the owner of ConnorGillivan.com. He currently lives in Denver, CO.

On today’s show Connor is going to share:

  • 5 freelancers to save you more time in your business and increase productivity.
  • Expert tips to increase the quality of applicants that you hire for your business.
  • How the growth of freelancing and the gig economy can be an advantage for your business.




About Connor: 

Connor Gillivan is the CMO of FreeeUp.com. He has sold over $30 million online, has hired hundreds of freelancers to build his companies, is a published author, and is the owner of ConnorGillivan.com. He currently lives in Denver, CO.


Contact Connor:


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