[Ep#171] Why business etiquette is not out of date with Kara Ronin

Why business etiquette is not out of date with Kara Ronin

Dale Carneige Institute (1922) found that only 15% of a person's financial success is due to their technical knowledge, but 85% is due to their skill in human engineering, personality, and the ability to lead people. Knowing this, why is it that universities fail to teach social skills to their graduates? Especially when it's been found that their ability to lead others, and interact with others, heavily impacts the level of success they reach.

This is the question today’s guest – Kara Ronin raises.

Kara is an international business etiquette consultant and the founder of Executive Impressions. She is passionate about teaching people the social skills to thrive in any business or social situation, and in any country.

On today’s show Kara is going to speak about:

  • Why business etiquette is not out-of-date
  • The 3 keys to projecting power in business
  • 3 Common hurdles people face when it comes to confidence and power


Additional Information:

Message from Kara:

I've found that when people hear the term “business etiquette”, they think of words such as “old”, “stuffy”, or too traditional. Perhaps it's because traditionally, it's been reserved for the elite. For example, a 6-week business etiquette program can cost up to $20,000, and you have to travel to exotic locations such as Switzerland to attend classes. This has made people think that business etiquette is overpriced and out-of-date, and therefore, not important.

However business etiquette is critical for any level of business success. It's a fundamental skills to have in every interaction with your colleagues, boss and clients. Because of this misconception, there is an opportunity to modernize the traditional business etiquette industry.

My goal is to make overpriced and out-of-date business etiquette training, affordable and accessible for all.Since books such as “The Charisma Myth” and “Confidence Gap” there's been a lot of attention surrounding executive presence, leadership, and first impressions. Adding to this, researchers from New York University found some interesting information when you meet somebody for the first time. They found that eleven major decisions are made about you in the first 7 seconds.

Basically, the other person will be deciding: Are you someone to approach or to avoid? Are you trustworthy, competent and confident? Do you have status and authority?


In business, you can control the first impression that you give, and help people think you're confident, powerful, and executive material by using your outfit, body language, and voice to your advantage. This is what I focus on in one of my online training programs.

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Enjoy the show!

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About Kara Ronin

Kara is an international business etiquette consultant and the founder of Executive Impressions. She is passionate about teaching people the social skills to thrive in any business or social Kara Ronin image2situation, and in any country.




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