[Ep #81] Anyone can be a leader, God willing

Topic: Anyone can be a leader, God willing

Today’s guest says “Anyone can be a leader, God willing”.

Joining me today is Melanie McCaw.

Melanie runs christiancareergirl.com, a blog for single Christian women aged 20-40. It includes articles on Faith, fashion and lifestyle designed to make the Single Christian woman feel included in the Christian community by ad-dressing her specific needs and desires.

On today’s show Melanie is going to share:

  • God will lead you on a journey greater than anything you could imagine! I never thought I’d run a blog but here I am doing it and loving it.
  • Leaders are made not born. I’ve learnt that God intends me to be a leader despite being an introvert.
  • Failure is a valuable lesson. I initially set up a coaching business but quickly realised that it wasn’t for me. God led me to blogging instead and that platform is a perfect fit for me!


About Melanie McCaw:

I run christiancareergirl.com, a blog for single Christian women aged 20-40! It includes articles on Faith, fashion and lifestyle designed to make the Single Christian woman feel included in the Christian community by addressing her specific needs and desires.


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