[Ep #79] Stand in your value

Topic: Stand in your value

Today’s guest says “Stand in your value”.

Joining me today is Brenda Tsiaousis.

Brenda is an experienced business potentialist and leading expert on clarity, confidence, courage and belief – known by her clients as the “connector of dreams”.

As an authentic, powerful and inspiring speaker, author, mentor, and trusted professional advisor she partners with individuals, businesses and organisations to create life-changing and sustainable outcomes.

On today’s show Brenda is going to share:

  • I am the daughter of a KING. Nothing feels as good as knowing who you are. Being clear on your identity gives way to certainty and confidence.
  • Why faking it until you make it doesn’t cut it. (Instead; Act As If).
  • You becoming YOU (powerful, successful, fully you) – is sometimes an erratic journey.
  • Never discount your small beginnings, acknowledge every part of the journey – no matter how much it hurt at the time. Find a way to record these – because when you look back at the path behind you will find that these have been come stepping stones to the incredible you that you are today.


About Brenda Tsiaousis:

Brenda Tsiaousis is an experienced business potentialist and leading expert on clarity, confidence, courage and belief – known by her clients as the “connector of dreams”, As an authentic, powerful and inspiring speaker, author, mentor, and trusted professional advisor she partners with individuals, businesses and organisations to create life-changing and sustainable outcomes.

Committed to excellence Brenda was selected as a finalist for the Business Excellence Award in the 2016 St Georges Bank Aus-Mumpreneur Awards. Appointed in 2014 as global ambassador to represent EBW2020 a global organisation empowering a billion women by the year 2020, Brenda developed a transformative series of services and programs connecting women to their authentic true self.

Coining the phrase “being your authentic self will be your magnetic competitive edge”, Brenda is an authentic trusted advisor empowering women from all walks of life to achieve sustainable personal success and empowerment.
Brenda is a speaker on women’s issues and has co-authored a book with Nic Hendry Jones called The Christian Entrepreneur. Her own book “Courage To Bloom ~ every women’s guide to personal success.

To contact and book a confidential chat with Brenda, please email: BrendaTs@BrendaTsiaousis.com or visit her connect with her on social media www.facebook.com/brendatsiaousis.


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