[Ep #73] God’s fingerprints are around us everywhere

Topic: God’s fingerprints are around us everywhere

Today’s guest says, “God has left his fingerprints around us everywhere for us to discover and guide us into freedom.”

Joining me today is Christina Mathewson.

Christina is a Naturopath, Herbalist and GAPS (gut and psychology syn-drome) Practitioner. She has been in business for 2 years creating and teaching course on fermentation and health as well as seeing clients online all over Australia.

On today’s show Christina is going to share:

  • God is the best teacher and director. Trusting in him to lead the way is the only way to succeed.
  • How God is bringing the right opportunities for me as I’m now able to step into them.
  • 4 years ago I was left of life support after the birth of my last (7th child). That experience has given me new drive and passion to run the race that I’m called to with my business. So if at first you don’t wake up, God will provide you with the jump you need to take action.


About Christina Mathewson:

I’m a Naturopath, Herbalist and GAPS (gut and psychology syndrome) Practitioner. I’ve been in business for 2 years creating and teaching course on fermentation and health as well as seeing clients online all over Australia.


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