[Ep #7] Are the people you are associating with – helping or hindering your success?

Are the people you are associating with – helping or hindering your success?

Purposeful Leadership Podcast – THE podcast that empowers business leaders to be more purposeful in their business so they can enjoy increased productivity AND profitability, while make a bigger impact in the world.

Whether you are starting up your business or you've been in business a while – Purposeful Leadership Podcast is devoted to helping you take your results to the next level.

What’s In Today’s Show:

  • Productivity Tip of the Week
  • Today’s Words of Wisdom: Are the people you are associating with – helping or hindering your success?


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Productivity Tip of the Week:

Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% in how I react to it. — Charles Swindel

Words of Wisdom: Are the people you are associating with – helping or hindering your success?

Five ways people can hinder you:

  1. They validate your specific thinking / reasoning (ahem: excuse);
  2. They hold you back due to their own circumstances (i.e. excuses / negativity / playing and thinking small)

  3. They keep you from learning and growing because of their own limited opinions and unhelpful advice

  4. They are overly critical and have a negative opinion of why something won’t work

  5. They are envious of what you are doing and your desire to ‘keep the piece’ has you playing small and NOT living your full purpose

We also talk about three action steps you MUST take to ensure you ARE associating with people who will uplift and support you.


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YOUR SAY: What insights have you gained from this week's podcast? What's ONE thing you know you must implement in your business to become more purposeful after listening to the show? And, what action are you going to take in the next 24 hours? Let us know in the comment


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