[Ep #68] Stuck on a problem: 5 ways to get you back on track – FAST!

Coaches Connection Podcast – THE podcast for coaches to build a successful coaching business: Stuck on a problem: 5 ways to get you back on track – FAST!

Want to grow your coaching practice but unsure how? Just started your coaching practice and struggling to get clients? You’re in the right place. Whether you’ve just opened up your coaching practice, or you’ve been in business a while, this podcast will help you take your results to the next level.

What’s In Today’s Show:

  • Announcements: Have a business building question you're struggling with? Go ahead and share by clicking here and we'll look at answering it in an upcoming show
  • Tip of the Week: Answering the question: “How do I market my coaching business in the best way without coming across as egotistical?”
  • Today’s Words of Wisdom: Stuck on a problem: 5 ways to get you back on track – FAST!
  • Inspirational Message to nourish your mind, body and spirit for the week ahead


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Words of Wisdom:

Stuck on a problem: 5 ways to get you back on track – FAST!

  1. Question your problem
  2. Take a break and come back to it with fresh eyes
  3. Sleep on it
  4. Get it down on paper
  5. Discuss with a mentor/coach

Additional Resources:

  • The Influence Alliance – THE Business Development Community for Coaches to build a sustainable and profitable business
  • Article by Dr. John Grohol is the CEO and founder of Psych Central.

    Sleeping on it we know helps us clear our minds and helps us relieve some of the stress around having to make a decision. Sleep also helps us organize our memories. However new research (Dijksterhuis et al., 2009) also shows that our unconscious can also play an important role in helping us.

    “Researchers suggest that unconscious thought, contrary to the way many of us think about it, is an active, goal-directed thought process. The primary difference is that in unconscious thought, the usual biases that are a part of our conscious thinking are absent. In unconscious thought, we weigh the importance of the components that make up our decision more equally, leaving our preconceptions at the door of consciousness.”

    You can read more about the findings in Dr Grohol’s article. I’ll leave the link on our show notes.


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