[Ep #64] Marketing not working? How to locate the gaps

Coaches Connection Podcast: Marketing not working? How to locate the gaps

Want to grow your coaching practice but unsure how? Just started your coaching practice and struggling to get clients? You’re in the right place. Whether you’ve just opened up your coaching practice, or you’ve been in business a while, this podcast will help you take your results to the next level.

What’s In Today’s Show:


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Words of Wisdom:

Marketing not working? How to locate the gaps

  • Step 1: Build Visibility
  • Step 2: Build Connections
  • Step 3: Build Customers
  1. Are you consistently building visibility?
    1. How are you building visibility – which methods are you using?
    2. Are you consistently building visibility or are your visibility strategies, sporadic?
    3. Are you spending at least 30 minutes a day, marketing your business?
    4. Is your mindset supporting you around this area?
  2. Are you consistently growing your list/community of subscribers, and people you are able to connect with?
    1. If not, perhaps you're NOT being consistent OR you may not have a solid strategy in place.
    2. Your marketing message may be falling on deaf ears as you're not speaking directly to your ideal client.
    3. Is your mindset supporting you in this area?
  3. Are you consistently enrolling people into your programs?
    1. Are you regularly inviting people into your Curious Conversations?
    2. Are you sharing information about your programs? Are you making an offer? Or are you ‘hoping' they'll want to work with you?
    3. Is your mindset supporting you in this area?

Additional Resources:

  • The Influence Alliance – THE Business Development Community for Coaches to build a sustainable and profitable business

Today’s Inspirational Message:

“Most people believe vulnerability is weakness. But really, vulnerability is courage. We must ask ourselves…are we willing to show up and be seen?” — Brené Brown

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