[Ep #52] Be Open to Opportunity

Topic: Be Open to Opportunity

My guest today encourages us all to: “Be open to opportunity.”

In fact, she herself has often said ‘Yes’ to an opportunity, however has thought ‘How am I going to achieve, do, make, perform?’ “However, God has always seen me through even if I didn’t see it myself until I reflected back on it.”

Joining me on today’s show is Megan Iemma.

Tech Coach HQ was set up as a digital coaching business five years ago in 2014 to help small business owners, entrepreneur and those in the corporate sector to use technology more productively and effectively. We manage social media clients such as real estate, run training sessions for organisations/individuals on specific technology topics, keynote and run workshops at conferences.

On today’s show Megan is going to share:

  • Find a mentor/be a mentor;
  • Be open to opportunity;
  • Serve others.


About Megan Iemma:

Tech Coach HQ was set up as a digital coaching business five years ago in 2014 to help small business owners, entrepreneur and those in the corporate sector to use technology more productively and effectively. We manage social media clients such as real estate, run training sessions for organisations/individuals on specific technology topics, keynote and run workshops at conferences.


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