[Ep #46] Hate Selling? 5 simple steps to promote your services with ease

Hate selling? 5 simple steps to promote your services with ease

Want to grow your coaching practice but unsure how? Just started your coaching practice and struggling to get clients? You’re in the right place. Whether you’ve just opened up your coaching practice, or you’ve been in business a while, this podcast will help you take your results to the next level.

What’s In Today’s Show:

  • Tip of the week: Sync your Outlook Contacts & Calendars with your Google accounts
  • Announcements: Network & Communicate with Confidence Workshop
  • Today’s Words of Wisdom: Hate selling? 5 simple steps to promote your services with ease
  • Inspirational Message to nourish your mind, body and spirit for the week ahead


Read the transcript: Click here to download


1. Thank you to Turnip Marketing for mentioning us in their online magazine – The Turnip Times

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2. Network & Communicate With Confidence Workshop

Tip of the week:

Sync your Outlook contacts and calendars with your Google accounts using Outlook 4 Gmail

Words of Wisdom:

Hate selling? On today’s show I share 5 simple steps to promote your services with ease, including”

  1. Challenge unhelpful beliefs
  2. Reframe ‘selling' to ‘service'
  3. Think ‘connection' not ‘conversion'
  4. Transform your ‘sales pitch' into a ‘strategy session'
  5. Conclude with a compelling call-to-action

Today’s Inspirational Message:

Best way to sell something; don't sell anything. Earn the awareness, respect, and trust of those who might buy.” — Rand Fishkin

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YOUR SAY: What insight and action step are you going to take moving forward when it comes to having a sales conversation with a prospective client? Let me know in the comment box below. It’s always lovely to hear from you.

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