[Ep #41] Grow Your Coaching Practice: 5 ways you may be sabotaging your success

Grow your coaching practice: 5 ways you may be sabotaging your success

Want to grow your coaching practice but unsure how? Just started your coaching practice and struggling to get clients? You’re in the right place. Whether you’ve just opened up your coaching practice, or you’ve been in business a while, this podcast will help you take your results to the next level.

What’s In Today’s Show:

  • Tip of the week: a social media management tool to boost your efficiency
  • Announcements: Reminder: Biz Success Series has finally launched
  • Today’s Words of Wisdom: 5 ways you may be sabotaging your success
  • Inspirational Message to nourish your mind, body and spirit for the week ahead



Read the transcript: Click here to download


  1. Biz Success Series is open for enrolments. My gift to you – a 10-week training series to help you put into place key foundations and marketing strategies that will enable you to attract new clients and get paid what you're worth!
  2. Thank you to Elaine Lindsay from @TroolSocial and Stacie Walker from @StacieWalker for sharing our information with their community – I really appreciate it!

If you would like to share our content why not pop across to our iTunes channel subscribe; rate our show; and leave a comment. I'm trying to get this show into the ears of as many people I can and would LOVE your support. Thank you!!!

Tip of the week:

A social media management tool I've been using for many years is Hootsuite, which has helped me boost my efficiency and productivity. There's a free version (and a paid version). I've been using the free version for many years and it has worked well for me.

Words of Wisdom:

On today's show I share what self sabotage is; why we self sabotage; and five ways self sabotage may be showing up in your business to prevent you from achieving success.

The five ways people could be self sabotaging their success is:

  1. Hiding Out
  2. Undervaluing and Undercharging
  3. Constant Comparison
  4. Thinking you have to do everything yourself
  5. Thinking you can learn and stretch your skills and knowledge – on your own

Today's Inspirational Message:

“Never doubt yourself. You are capable of much more than you think you are.” — Anon

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YOUR SAY: Do you recognise any of the five things I shared on today's show that can sabotage your success? Are you sabotaging yourself in another way? What have you done to break through that self sabotage tendency? Go ahead and share – it's great to be able to share and learn from each other.

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Do you have a question, want to leave feedback or a comment? Click through and leave your name, business name, and question/comment. I look forward to hearing from you!


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