[Ep #38] Grow Your Coaching Practice: How to convert prospects into clients – even if you hate selling

Grow your coaching practice: how to convert prospects into clients – even if you hate selling.

Want to grow your coaching practice but unsure how? Just started your coaching practice and struggling to get clients? You’re in the right place. Whether you’ve just opened up your coaching practice, or you’ve been in business a while, this podcast will help you take your results to the next level.

What’s In Today’s Show:

  • Tip of the week: a new tool that has made my life much easier and more efficient
  • Announcements: speaking event and how you can can help me spread the word
  • Today’s Words of Wisdom: How to convert prospects into clients – even if you hate selling
  • Inspirational Message to nourish your mind, body and spirit for the week ahead


Tip of the Week:

Today, I spoke about a great new tool I've been using, which has made my life so much easier when it comes to locating notes and ideas that I've jotted down:


  • I’m going to be speaking on next week’s Women’s Speaker Associations Tweet Chat where I’ll be sharing all about the 5 common mistakes business owners make when it comes speaking to grow their business and what they should be doing instead.

To join in the conversation – you’ll need to go to www.twubs.com/SpeakerChat or follow the #SpeakerChat on Aug 19th at 4pm PST. If you need to find out what time zone that’s in for you if you’re located in a different country – use www.timeanddate.com (or www.thetimenow.com) it’s a great resource I use daily to find out different time zones from all over the world.

  • Will you help me spread the word about this podcast? I’d really appreciate it.

All you need to do is subscribe to our iTunes channel, give our star a rating, and leave a comment. That’s it. By subscribing, rating and commenting over on iTunes that allows other people to find out about our podcast, which I hope you have found informative, inspiring and something you enjoy listening to on a regular basis.

So pop across to www.ambitiousentrepreneurnetwork.com/ccpitunes and you’ll be directed to our iTunes channel.

Additional Resources:

This is my free 10-week Business Success Series that will help you get the right foundations and marketing strategies in place to take your coaching practice to the next level. 

Leave me a comment/feedback and/or questions. It's always great to hear from you!

Today's Inspirational Message:

“Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must. But take the step.” —Anon

Enjoy the show!

As always, thank you for being part of our community and listening to this podcast. To ensure you don’t miss out on learning about the latest tips and strategies to help you build your successful business, go ahead and subscribe to the podcast by clicking on the link below. And, while you’re there, please leave your rating and review of our podcast show on iTunes. THANK YOU!

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More about Annemarie Cross

Annemarie Cross is a Money, Marketing and Mindset Business Coach who supports ambitious women coaches in unearthing and communication their inner brilliance (their brand) so they can boost their credibility, visibility, celebrity and profitability.Annemarie Cross

She guides her clients through Branding, 6-Figure and Money Mindset Breakthrough Secrets programs – helping them stand out from their competitors, build solid business foundations and implement key marketing strategies. She also helps them transform their hours-for-dollars services into lucrative information products and programs so they can get paid what they’re worth, doing what they love.

Annemarie has been dubbed: “The Podcasting Queen” by her followers for her weekly, International award-winning podcast – The Ambitious Entrepreneur Shown and regularly shares business and marketing tips.

Contact Annemarie 


What did you think about the message Annemarie shared today? What action step will you take after hearing today’s tips and strategies to set yourself up for success so you can grow a successful, profitable coaching practice? Go ahead and share. We’d love to hear from you!

Please leave your comment in the box below, and remember to share and Like the show with your colleagues. Also, stop on by our Facebook page to say hello and to give us a shout out on Twitter – we promise to shout back! As always, we appreciate it!

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