[Ep #38] Build a highly effective team and team culture that thrives

Topic: Build a highly effective team and team culture that thrives

On today's show Kelvin Holliday is joining me.

Kelvin is the CEO of The Transformational Group of Companies, which includes The Institute, which is a Registered Training Organisation, delivering Nationally Recognised Qualifications;

Consulting Services, Career & Business Coaching company that makes a huge different in peoples lives that in turn builds organisations; a Hub, which is a business incubator helping startup businesses to establish and thrive; and a digital marketing service that includes Video/TV filing editing and social media promotions.

On today’s show Kelvin is going to share:

  • How to build a highly effective team and team culture that thrives;
  • How to create a compelling Mission, Vision and Values statement that motivates and accelerates productivity while at the same time, provides customer service that emulates the values of the Christian faith;
  • How to build a network of like-minded business owners that creates a WIN WIN WIN opportunity for individuals, businesses and above all serves the Kingdom.




About Kelvin Holliday: 

The Transformational Group of companies include:

  • The Institute which is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) delivering Nationally Recognised Qualifications;
  • Consulting Services, Career and Business Coaching companythat makes a huge difference in peoples lives that in turn builds organisations;
  • Hub: A business incubator helping startup businesses to establish and thrive;
  • Services: A digital marketing service that includes Video/TV filming editing and social media promotions


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