[Ep #36] Three Dream Destroyers Keeping You From Your Destiny

Topic: Three Dream Destroyers Keeping You From Your Destiny

Hi, it’s Annemarie Cross – The Podcasting Queen

Today’s show is different. I won’t be interviewing a guest, by rather sharing a message that’s been placed on my heart.

We’re told to: Think BIG. Dream BIG. Set AUDACIOUS goals.

So, we do.

And, we work our hardest to achieve them.

But what happens when we don't?

What happens, when despite thinking, dreaming and setting audacious BIG goals and working our hardest, every single day, we DON’T achieve them?

What then?

I’ll let you in on a little secret.

MOST of us WON’T achieve our goals.

Not the first time round, anyway.

And, often, not the second, third, or even fourth!

But the difference between the people who DO eventually achieve their goals and those who DON’T, is that they those who do, is they don't let their failures defeat them. They get back up and try again.

And, again. And, again.

As many times as they need to.

AND, they don’t let [what I call] the ‘THREE Dream Destroyers’ – get in their way from achieving their goals and their destinies.

What are the THREE Dream Destroyers?

I’ll be sharing what they are and how we can ensure they DON’T keep us from reaching our goals and dreams in this episode.




About Annemarie Cross: 

Annemarie Cross is a Brand & Communication Strategist and started her first podcast in 2008 to be the voice of inspiration and hope amongst the deluge of ‘doom and gloom’ stories being portrayed across all traditional media channels after the Global Financial Crisis devastated families worldwide.

Ten years on, now dubbed “The Podcasting Queen” by her guests, clients and colleagues, Annemarie continues to be the voice of inspiration in her own award-winning business- and leadership-focused podcasts, and the podcasts she hosts and produces for her clients through her media company – the Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network.


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