[Ep #34] The practice of listening to the voice of God daily and applying it to your life

Topic: The practice of listening to the voice of God daily and applying it to your life

According to my guest:

“The person sitting next to you may well have the answer to the problem you are facing right now but you will never know unless you speak to them!”

And, how true that is.

Joining me today is Wes Leake.

Wes is focused on connecting people with God and others through profound strategies that help you to glorify God while grow your business supernaturally.

On today’s show Wes is going to share:

  • To obey!  To have the practice of listening to the voice of God daily and applying it to your life;
  • Relationships are key – no matter what level of business you are at businesses succeed because of the relationships that are built – do what you can to learn how to build relationships with others and be prepared to step in and fix them when they fall apart;
  • It is line upon line percept upon percept – God tends to give you one thing to learn and get right and as you do that it takes you to another level.




About Wes Leake: 

Focused on connecting people with God and others through profound strategies that help you to glorify God and grow your business supernaturally.



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