[Ep #239] Identity doesn’t come from society, but from the Lord

Topic: Identity doesn't come from society, but from the Lord

My guest today says, “We cannot serve the Kingdom of God to our full potential when we are comparing ourselves to the women sat next to us.”

Joining me today is Chloee Hall.

Chloee is the founder of the Worth More Project: an online women’s ministry that equips women with content & resources to help them stand firm and walk boldly in their God-given identities.

On today’s show Chloee is going to share:

  • Identity doesn’t come from society, but from the Lord. By putting your worth in Him, you are building a solid foundation for your faith and business.
  • God-given confidence changes you, inside and out.
  • When you submit to Lord’s will, take those scary leaps of faith & trust that He will catch you, it means that you will grow in unimaginable ways.


About Chloee Hall

Chloee is the founder of the Worth More Project: an online women’s ministry that equips women with content & resources to help them stand firm and walk boldly in their God-given identities.


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