[Ep #215] God Wants Each of Us To Heal & Become Whole (& Help Others Do The Same)

Topic: God Wants Each of Us To Heal & Become Whole (& Help Others Do The Same)

My guest today says, “God wants each of us to heal, become whole, and be equipped to help others to do the same.”

Joining me today is Cynthia Patterson.

Cynthia is a transformational leader and life coach specializing in spiritual growth development and empowerment. She is CEO and Founder of DOVES Love Ministries located in Houston, Texas. DOVES stand for Daughters of Virtue and Excellence Sisterhood. DOVE’s Love is a nonprofit organization that offers recovery and wellness programs for women from all levels of society.

On today’s show Cynthia is going to share:

  • Dealing with past and present hurts
  • Commitment and looking for someone to hold you accountable
  • I stand on the biblical principle of God’s word through the life of the woman with the issue of blood. Unforced rhythm of grace


About Cynthia A. Patterson:

Cynthia A. Patterson is a transformational leader and life coach specializing in spiritual growth development and empowerment. She is CEO and Founder of DOVES Love Ministries located in Houston, Texas. DOVES stand for Daughters of Virtue and Excellence Sisterhood. DOVE’s Love is a nonprofit organization that offers recovery and wellness programs for women from all levels of society. Through her newly released book: Live, Laugh, and Love, she offers eight life-changing strategies for women that desperately want to liberate themselves from past hurts and pain. She shows them how to spiritually heal so they can awaken their deepest desires and live their greatest dreams. Cynthia holds a Masters' in Christian Counseling of Substance Abuse and Addictive Disorders, Bachelor in Christian Leadership Development. Currently pursuing a Doctorate of Education in Organizational Leadership and Behavioral Health. She has been ministering to women and girls for nearly 20 years.


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