[Ep #209] Tapping into your purpose

Topic: Tapping into your purpose

My guest today says, “Tapping into your purpose is the driving force behind self-fulfillment and self-actualization.”

Joining me today is Kedesha Dallas.

Kedesha is an accredited Foreign Language Educator of Spanish & French. Her insatiable passion for personal and professional excellence have allowed her to wear many hats which include: Author, Teacher, Children’s Story Teller & Writer, Empowerment Mentor/Motivational Speaker, as well as Creative Director for Wedding Graphics.

Kedesha aims to inspire, empower and encourage persons to be deliberate about pursuing their God given purpose.

On today’s show Kedesha is going to share:

  • Reckless Faith has brought me into God’s uncommon favor and abundant blessings.
  • Practicing positive affirmations and attracting positive energy plummets pessimism and problems.
  • Having the right attitude and understanding how to co-exist with different persons can add value to your Christian journey towards of self-discovery and true agape love/peace.


About Kedesha Dallas Goode:

Kedesha is an accredited Foreign Language Educator of Spanish & French. She studied in Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Spain & France. Her insatiable passion for personal and professional excellence have allowed her to wear many hats which include: Author, Teacher, Children’s Story Teller & Writer, Empowerment Mentor/Motivational Speaker, as well as Creative Director for Wedding Graphics. She aims to inspire, empower and encourage persons to be deliberate about pursuing their God given purpose(s). Kedesha promotes intentional positive energy so that the negative elements of life will not permeate our persona and cripple our growth.


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