[Ep #203] Calling is less about building a career and more about crafting a life

Topic: Calling is less about building a career and more about crafting a life

My guest today says, “Calling is less about building a career and more about crafting a life.”

Joining me today is Dawn Sadler.

Dawn is a writer, coach, and host of the Your Purpose is Calling Christian business podcast: conversations with Christians that are finding purpose, re-defining work, and changing their world.

On today’s show Dawn is going to share:

  • Calling: How we can better understand what God is calling us to and how we are uniquely qualified to serve others.
  • Connection: Once we have an idea of our calling, we can connect what we’re called to with a specific action plan to begin to move forward.
  • Conquer: Once we’ve outlined an action plan, we can build in a system to help us create a sustainable momentum and overcome challenges and setbacks.


About Dawn Sadler:

I am a writer, coach, and host of the Your Purpose is Calling Christian business podcast: conversations with Christians that are finding purpose, redefining work, and changing their world.


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