[Ep #179] You were created to live without depression

Topic: You were created to live without depression

My guest today says, “You were created to live without depression.”

Joining me today is Jasmine Bennett.

Jasmine is a wife, mom and author. Her passion and purpose is to help women live without depression. After Jasmine’s dad suddenly passed away when she was 13, she went down a path of depression.

Jasmine began her recovery using nutrition, chiropractic care, exercise, my faith and finding her purpose. Through her book and my business, Jasmine helps women discover that it is possible to live without depression.

On today’s show Jasmine is going to share:

  • Listen before you speak.
  • Be patient, or you’ll be forced to wait.
  • Love before fear.


About Jasmine L. Bennett:

My name is Jasmine L. Bennett. I’m a wife, mommy, and author. My passion and purpose is to help women live without depression. After my dad suddenly passed away when I was 13, I went down a path of depression.

I began my recovery using nutrition, chiropractic care, exercise, my faith and finding my purpose. Through my book and my business, I help women discover that it is possible to live without depression.


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