[Ep #166] God restores the broken-hearted

Topic: God restores the broken-hearted

My guest today says, “God restores the broken-hearted into his own masterpiece, he brings faith, hope and love.”

Joining me today is Marisely Marte.

Marisely started a women’s group about 3 ½ years ago in a moment of her life when she needed support and encouragement. The group has changed Marisely’s life and the way she view things. Now she want to help other women to be empowered and to show them that they’re not alone.

Marisely is also pursuing her passion in becoming a Life Coach and Wellness Coach; to make a difference in others.

On today’s show Marisely is going to share:

  • How God has changed my life.
  • God makes miracles and he restored the broken-hearted.
  • He has given me a second chance.


About Marisely Marte:

I’m a mother of two amazing kids. My son Brandon, who’s 19 and in college. My daughter, Serena who’s 18, she going to college in the fall. I’m married to a wonderful husband, Pablo Marte. We have been married 4 years this past April 2018. God has given a second chance at life. From being a single mom, and divorced God has made a change in my life. I grow up in church but never had a personal relationship with God. I grow up Pentecostal, That was a tough up-bringing. Today, I can say that God still makes miracles. From a life of partying, drinking and living a life with no self-control, I was impulsive, self-destructive behavior and no regrets towards my actions. I had fallen in the hands of the enemy. I didn’t know how to change or find help. The church really didn’t understand how to help divorce women and I was pretty much damaged goods. Ladies in the church stayed away from me so I felt stuck and rejected. I lived a crazy life with my kids. I ran away from everything I knew, I had turned my back on God and everything I knew. About 4 years ago I hit rock bottoms. I was ashamed, I was so emotionally lost, overwhelmed, depressed, anxiety, sadness,loneliness and lost. I didn’t know where to turn for help. I was admitted at the hospital for being reckless and no care in the world. Even though I had my kids and husband. I didn’t know how to change or how to bring myself back from where I was headed. When I ended up in the hospital on October 5, 2014 I had given up on my family and myself. While in that awful place I had to fight for my life I had promised myself that if God would take me out from that nightmare I would leave the old Marisely and change my life. But God’s mercy and grace change my life.

I started a women’s group in a moment of my life that I needed support and encouragement. This was about 3 and half years ago. This group has change my life and the way I view things. Now I want to help other women to be empowered and to show them that they’re not alone. The group has grown from 200 to 1,400 women. I love to just encourage lives and to help them find hope, find their identity, self confidence, and self worth. The group name is Women with Faith and Confidence.

From helping women I decided to pursue my passion in becoming a Life Coach and Wellness Coach. To make a difference in others.


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