[Ep #162] Social Media not working? Here’s what to do, with Corinna Essa

Social Media not working? Here's what to do with Corinna Essa

Are you using social media in your business yet despite all of your hard work, you’re just not generating the results you’d dreamed about?

Joining me on today’s show is Corinna Essa. Corinna is known internationally as the go-to person when it comes to social media marketing.

Made redundant FIVE times by the time she reached her mid-twenties… Corinna decided enough was enough and began her journey online.

Quickly discovering a few powerful strategies that would allow her to leverage the power of social media and the Internet, Corinna started using Twitter to market products. Within 3 weeks, she had replaced her full-time income working only 2 hours a day.

Corinna now owns a social media marketing company helping businesses around the world leverage the power of social media without doing any of the legwork.

On today’s on the show Corinna will share:

  • The number one mistake made by 99% of people on social media and how to avoid it like the plague so you stand out from the crowd
  • What big companies are currently doing right now to build their brand, get thousands of new followers and generate sales
  • How to get your fans and followers to eagerly buy from you and make their friends do the same


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  • (03) 9708 6930 – Within Australia

Enjoy the show!

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About Corinna Essa

Corinna Essa is known internationally as the go-to person when it comes to social media marketing.CorinaEssa

Made redundant FIVE times by the time she reached her mid-twenties… Corinna decided enough was enough and began her journey online.

Quickly discovering a few powerful strategies that would allow her to leverage the power of social media and the Internet, Corinna started using Twitter to market products. Within 3 weeks, she had replaced her full-time income working only 2 hours a day.

Corinna now owns a social media marketing company helping businesses around the world leverage the power of social media without doing any of the legwork.

Contact Corinna


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