[Ep #161] Don’t set yourself up for failure with Andrea Lake

Don't set yourself up for failure

Joining me today is a serial entrepreneur who has started 14 companies since she was 18 years old.

Andrea Lake loves business in the way that some people love football.

She currently is active CEO of Lessons.biz, StickerJunkie.com, YogaJunkie, Delinquent Distribution & Mentor Mojo.  And Andrea recently lectured on Entrepreneurship at Harvard.

On today’s on the show Andrea will share:

  • Money saving tips to dramatically reduce your costs in a products company.
  • Secrets to massively increasing your sales, especially if you’re selling a physical product.
  • Getting your professional and personal brand the exposure it deserves.
  • As well as how to develop a supportive community around them to facilitate their goals.


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  • (03) 9708 6930 – Within Australia

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Additional Information

Andrea finds it interesting that people spend tens of thousands of dollars to go to college and get a Business Degree, but that it’s mostly to teach them to work for a corporation.  The reason she created Mentor Mojo & Lessons.biz is so they can get the real deal, real world detailed advice from super successful entrepreneurs.

Andrea glanced at some statistics regarding startup fail rate and the two highest causes of failure included incompetence and lack of experience, two problems solved by supportive mentorship. Here are the statistics she was looking at: http://bit.ly/1fQLwNH

About Andrea Lake

Andrea Lake is a serial entrepreneur who has started 14 companies since she was 18 years old.CallenRush

She loves business in the way that some people love football.

Andrea currently is active CEO of Lessons.biz, StickerJunkie.com, YogaJunkie, Delinquent Distribution & Mentor Mojo.  She recently lectured on Entrepreneurship at Harvard.

Contact Andrea


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