[Ep #160] Healthy ways to lose weight so you can love yourself and feel wildly alive with Nichole Keller

Healthy ways to lose weight so you can love yourself and feel wildly alive

As ambitious entrepreneurs we’re often managing hectic schedules, which leaves little or no time for exercising and looking after their health, including our weight.

And, before we know it, those extra kilos (or if you’re in the USA – those extra pounds continue to add up) continue to add up and the reflection starring back at you in the mirror – well, it’s a constant reminder that you must get onto the health and fitness band wagon.

Well today’s guest is someone who struggled and after doing diet-after-diet her self-esteem was at an all-time low and was immersed in self-hatred.

Today on the show Nichole Kellerman joins me and Nichole just wishes someone would’ve gave her a big hug and said, “Stop stressing, the answers are within & you are enough.”

And, because of her own journey Nichole is passionate about teaching women that losing weight doesnt have to be the struggle they are making it and on todays show will share:

  • How to feel Wildly Alive daily
  • How to stop shooting themselves in the foot
  • Why taking care of your body is the key to a successful business


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  • (03) 9708 6930 – Within Australia

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About Nichole Kellerman

Nichole Kellerman is so passionate about teaching women that losing weight doesnt have to be the struggle they are making it.Nichole-Kellerman-Round

After doing diet-after-diet her self-esteem was at an all-time low and was immersed in self-hatred.

She just wishes someone would’ve gave her a big hug and said, “Stop stressing, the answers are within & you are enough.”

Contact Nichole 


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