[Ep. 158] Build Your Credibility AND Income by authoring your own book with Sharon C. Jenkins

Do you become slightly envious when you see other entrepreneurs’ books on the bookshelves, wishing that you too could become an author?

Perhaps you’ve had an idea for a book for as long as you can remember, but putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard – just doesn’t seem to happen. Or maybe, there’s another reason keeping you stuck from writing a book?

Today’s show is for you. Sharon C. Jenkins joins me today, someone who is an expert on the topic of books, being herself an author, an editor and a Ghost Writer.

Sharon is also the Inspirational Principal for The Master Communicator’s Writing Services. She has helped hundreds of authors get their message to the masses through workshops, webinars, her radio show and coaching.

She is currently also a senior publishing consultant for the award winning Ellechor Publishing House.

On today’s show Sharon will speak about:

  • The importance of mastering the business side of writing.
  • Understanding how writing a book can bring instant credibility to your expertise.
  • You’ll learn some tips for discovering your publishing personality, time management, and finding the funding for your book project.


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Additional Information:

  • http://www.pw.org/magazine
  • http://www.writersdigest.com/

Do you have a question you’d like me to answer in an upcoming show? Or do you want to share a comment or ‘aha’ moment?

Leave me your name, business name and comment on either of the contact details below and I’ll answer your question or include your comment in an upcoming episode:

  • (03) 9708 6930 – Within Australia

Enjoy the show!

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About Sharon C. Jenkins

Author, Editor, Ghostwriter Sharon Jenkins is the Inspirational Principal for The Master Communicator’s Writing Services. She has helped hundreds of authors get their message to the masses Sharon C. Jenkinsthrough workshops, webinars, her radio show and coaching.  She is currently also a senior publishing consultant for the award winning Ellechor Publishing House.

Contact Sharon


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