[Ep 151] Domestic abuse – it can happen to anyone

Domestic abuse – it can happen to anyone

My guest today says, “Yes, the thought of leaving your abuser is terrifying – but so is the thought of staying. But only one of those options can result in your happiness and freedom.”

Joining me today is Donna James.

Donna is a domestic abuse survivor turned certified coach, consultant and speaker.  After fleeing her abusive marriage, with her young sons, no money, no confidence and no clue of how she would survive, she was determined to build a safe, healthy and happy life for her and her boys.

Donna worked extremely hard to completely rebuild her confidence, courage – and life! Her transformation led to coaching other women silenced by an unhealthy or abusive relationship.

Since 2006, she has been successfully helping women heal, empowering them to shift their mindset, unblock limiting beliefs and rebuild their confidence. To find their voice again, move forward and live and love on their terms.

On today’s show Donna is going to share:

  • Domestic abuse can happen to anyone.
  • Most forms of abuse are NON violent, so victims don't recognize or consider the toxic behavior
  • Let go of the guilt!

Listen now: 


About Donna: 

Donna James is a domestic abuse survivor turned certified coach, consultant and speaker.

After fleeing her abusive marriage, with her young sons, no money, no confidence and no clue of how she would survive, she was determined to build a safe, healthy and happy life for her and her boys. Donna worked extremely hard to completely rebuild her confidence, courage – and life! Her transformation led to coaching other women silenced by an unhealthy or abusive relationship.

Since 2006, she has been successfully helping women heal, empowering them to shift their mindset, unblock limiting beliefs and rebuild their confidence. To find their voice again, move forward and live and love on their terms.

Donna lives with her wonderful husband and fur baby on an acreage by the lake near Edmonton, Canada. She loves spending time with her family including four grown sons, daughter in laws and two grandsons.

Contact Donna:

A Personal Message from Annemarie…

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