[Ep #148] Attract a steady stream of clients for your coaching business with Marc Mawhinney

Attract a steady stream of clients for your coaching business

With coaching now being a $1 Billion /year industry, if you are a coach, are you tapping into that billion dollar industry? Or, do you find yourself struggling to get new clients.

You’re tired of the feast and famine of clients.

Or perhaps the clients you're attracting can’t afford to pay your fees, so that pricing conversation where you have to defend your fees against requests to discount or barter for your services, well, it’s just frustrating and you wish you had a better and simpler way to build your business.

Today on the show I’m joined by Marc Mawhinny.

Marc has a passion for helping coaches build stronger coaching businesses, and does this with his coaching and by hosting his daily podcast, “Natural Born Coaches.”

On today’s show Marc shares:

  • Why everyone needs a coach
  • How coaches can choose the right niche
  • How coaches can attract a steady stream of clients for their businesses


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  • (03) 9708 6930 – Within Australia

Enjoy the show!

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About Marc MawhinneyMarcMawhinny

Marc has a passion for helping coaches build stronger coaching business, and does this with his coaching and by hosting his daily podcast, “Natural Born Coaches.”



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