[Ep #142] Believers are to believe

Topic: Believers are to believe

My guest today says, “Believers are to believe.”

Joining me today is Robin Cody Smith.

Robin is the founder of GETUP LLC. Gaining Energy To Ultimately Produce (GETUP) is a training and development company. As a licensed ministry leader, certified coach, business strategist, author, and corporate trainer, Robin supports entrepreneurs to reach the next level of their defined success.

Robin is passionate about assisting women (and a few good men) in identifying their gifts, talent, experience, story, education, and or work experience as foundation for creating a business.

On today’s show Robin is going to share:

  • Faith first.
  • Identify your why.
  • IPA: Steps for daily success


About Robin Cody Smith:

I am the founder of GETUP LLC. Gaining Energy To Ultimately Produce (GETUP) is a training and development company. As a licensed ministry leader, certified coach, business strategist, author, and corporate trainer, I support emerging entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs with 0-5 years of business experience to reach the next level of their defined success.

I am passionate about assisting women and a few good men in identifying their gifts, talent, experience, story, education, and or work experience as foundation for creating a business.


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