[Ep #141] Why Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is beneficial

Topic: Why Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is beneficial

My guest today, says: “Insanity is trying to move forward while continuously looking back.”

Joining me today is E. Michelle Mickens.

Live 4 Change, LLC is a Global Strategic Sustainability Consultancy designed to serve clients in two strategic ways. One, by offering our exclusive BE 4 R.E.A.L. (Reliable, Ethical, Authentic, Learner) ™ leadership development series. The second way is by working with decision-makers to help create a (CSR) Corporate Social Responsibility strategy that will enhance your sustainability efforts and optimize operational efficiency.

On today’s show E. Michelle is going to share:

  • Insight into how to improve productivity, become more sustainable, and be a more distinguished organization.
  • Why Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is beneficial and small ways to implement CSR principals in their business model.


About E. Michelle Mickens:

Live 4 Change,LLC is a Global Strategic Sustainability Consultancy designed to serve clients in two strategic ways. One, we serve by offering our exclusive BE 4 R.E.A.L. (Reliable, Ethical,Authentic, Learner) ™ leadership development series. We conduct workshops,provide training,and retreats for leadership development. The second way we serve is by working with decision-makers to help create a (CSR) Corporate Social Responsibility strategy that will enhance your sustainability efforts and optimize operational efficiency.


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