[Ep #141] How to run your life and business on YOUR terms with Alexis Logan

Life and Business on your terms with Alexis Logan

Do you wonder why drama and dissatisfaction keeps showing up for you in your life and your business?  No matter what you try to do to create a business and personal life you love, those challenges are never far away?

If you want to learn the key steps you need to take to be able to run your life and business on your terms, this show is for you.

Joining me today is Alexis Logan – the founder of Embodied Authority. Alexis helps women visionary leaders and change-makers embrace who they really are. She’s helped some of the most successful thought leaders and coaches permanently increase their self-worth and body confidence to become the hottest leaders in their industries, while create a personal life that rocks.

Sit back for another jam packed show as Alexis shares:

  • The 2 biggest mistakes that successful women make that create drama and dissatisfaction in their businesses and personal lives.
  • The 3 steps to building a strong inner foundation for yourself so that you have the energy to create your business and personal life the way you want it, even things feel like they are spiralling into chaos.
  • How to create a support system (family, friends, colleagues, etc) so that you can create your vision without having to fight for what you want. 


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Additional Information:

Do you have a question you’d like me to answer in an upcoming show? Or do you want to share a comment or ‘aha’ moment?Leave me your name, business name and comment on either of the contact details below and I’ll answer your question or include your comment in an upcoming episode:

  • (03) 9708 6930 – Within Australia

Enjoy the show!

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About Alexis LoganAlexisLogan

Alexis Logan helps women visionary leaders and change-makers embrace who they really are. The founder of Embodied Authority, she’s helped some of the most successful thought leaders and coaches permanently increase their self-worth and body confidence to become the hottest leaders in their industries, while creating a personal life that rocks! 



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