[Ep 134] Don’t be better; just be different

Don't be better; just be different

My guest today says, “We are all limitless-constantly evolving, learning, unlearning and relearning-there is no final destination.”

Joining me today is Renee Giarrusso.

Renée is a sought-after communication and leadership expert.

She is a speaker, author, facilitator, educator and coach (PCC) who works with leaders, teams and organisations to energise mindset and accelerate communication, collaboration and leadership to lift performance and culture.

On today’s show Renee is going to share:

  • Having motivation, drive and a clear purpose can help you achieve anything
  • If we can see the gifts in both the challenging and positive experiences we encounter this can help progress us and others forward
  • No-one is you – we are all unique in our abilities, energy and who we are as a person.

Listen now: 


About Renee:

Renée Giarrusso is a sought-after communication and leadership expert. She is a speaker, author, facilitator, educator and coach (PCC) who works with leaders, teams and organisations to energise mindset and accelerate communication, collaboration and leadership to lift performance and culture.

In 2006 she founded RG Dynamics. With over 22 years leading teams and working within hundreds of organisations across 24 industries, she has a strong reputation of passionately delivering results and is known as a dynamic, relatable, dedicated and experienced professional. Her diverse experience is mirrored in the network and clients she works with. These include: building & construction, telco, FMCG (fast moving consumer goods), professional services, real estate, manufacturing, consumer durables, government (job services), automotive, electronics and many more.

She is obsessed with working with individuals and their teams to realise and achieve what is possible which results in increased performance and success. She passionately helps people to achieve their goals and believes everyone is limitless in their abilities.
Her expertise is in growing and developing capability and behavioural change around leadership, mindset, communication, coaching and creating leadership presence leave her clients inspired, re-energised and with improved results.

Leaders who want to be limitless and live their legacy trust in her and her team to deliver interactive, informative, thought provoking and relatable programs that bring learnings to life that are transformational, not transactional. With her highly developed skills in the area of learning reinforcement back on the job, she has the experience and understanding of what it takes to lead a high performing team and organisational culture.

Her first book Limitless Leadership in 2016 was soon followed with the Leaders of Influence anthology.
In 2021 she published her third book: Gift Mindset – Unwrap the 12 gifts to lead and live a life of purpose, connection and contribution.

Contact Renee:

A Personal Message from Annemarie…

Have you enjoyed listening to this podcast interview and want to know how you can create your very own podcast platform to so you become known as an influential voice in your industry?

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  • Six Common Podcasting Myths that’ll keep you stuck from creating your profitable podcast;
  • Why focusing on technology (i.e. which microphone you should be using) is unwise and what you MUST focus on first if you want to start a profitable podcast. Sadly, SO many Change Makers and aspiring Thought Leaders miss these key steps and fail to generate the ROI/income they hope their podcast will generate;
  • Three Changes in Consumer Behaviour you need to be aware of BEFORE you launch your podcast to help keep you focused on what’s MOST important and/or no longer relevant;
  • The NUMBER ONE reason why businesses fail to create a profitable podcast so you can avoid falling into the same trap;
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Go to: www.PodcastingWithPurpose.com/Masterclass


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