[Ep #111] How to Get the Best Out of Your Team in a Direct Sales Business

How to Get the Best Out of Your Team in a Direct Sales Business

My guest today says, “Love where you are, and know where you are going.”

Joining me today is Denise Walsh.

Denise is a proud wife and mother, former clinical psychologist, motivational speaker, and multi-million dollar- earning entrepreneur.  

Denise started her career by working with families at a local mental health agency as a clinical psychologist but left the practice to pursue a successful career in the direct sales industry.  

She has found her calling inspiring others to go after their dreams and has helped more than a million people find their purpose and fulfill their God-given destiny.

On today’s show Denise is going to share:

  1. How to connect with their inner passions and strengths to build the best team to support the rest!
  2. How to get the best out of your team
  3. Creating community, the gel of an organization

Listen Now:

About Denise:

Denise Walsh is a proud wife and mother, former clinical psychologist, motivational speaker, and multi-million dollar- earning entrepreneur.

Denise started her career by working with families at a local mental health agency as a clinical psychologist but left the practice to pursue a successful career in the direct sales industry.  Her impact as a leader in that field, coupled with other certification as a Jack Canfield trainer and experience as an elite coach with the John Maxwell Team, has given her the unique ability to help people tap into their ultimate potential and find their greatness.  She has found her calling inspiring others to go after their dreams and has helped more than a million people find their purpose and fulfill their God-given destiny.

Contact Denise:

A Personal Message from Annemarie…

Have you enjoyed listening to this podcast interview and thought how awesome it would be to have your very own podcast, where you get to create your very own platform where you can share your message in a much bigger way so you become known as an influential voice in your industry?

But the thought of having to learn all about podcasting technology and the gismos and gadgets – just seems too hard? And, besides, you’re already too busy anyway.

If you’re a purpose-driven service-based business owner with a desire to make a difference in the world – I’ve created a special gift – just for you.

It’s my free Mini-Training – Podcasting with Purpose, where I share with you the key things you need to know to stand out, be heard AND Influence your audience from your very first podcast – if you decide that podcasting is the right choice for you.

I’m also giving you my Podcast Production Workflow Checklist where I share what I do step-by-step to create a podcast as well as the tools I use. As well as a checklist of No-Cost and Low-Cost Tools to get you started.

To access my Podcasting with Purpose Mini-Training – go to www.annemariecross.com/minitraining.


What did you think about the message shared today? What action step will you take to turn this around? Go ahead and share. We’d love to hear from you!

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