[Ep #103] Be Souled Out to Jesus Christ

Topic: Be Souled Out to Jesus Christ

Joining me today is Robin Hair.

Robin is a Best-Selling Author, International Speaker and Entrepreneur who lives near the City of Atlanta. She is a Co-Author of the Hot new release, the Souled Out Anthology which launched April 2018.

Her company, N2Fruition, LLC of Winston, Georgia, hosts an annual Women’s Retreat in the North Georgia Mountains and is expanding to Kenya and South Africa. She sponsors a foreign missions trip to support a school in Kenya. She is also the visionary for the 7th Annual Christmas Cantata and Toy Giveaway hosted by Christ Apostolic Life Church.

On today’s show Robin is going to share:

  • Be Souled Out to Jesus Christ: Seek first the kingdom of God and eve-rything else will fall into place.
  • Have Character. You must desire a good name in attitude, work ethic, integrity, actions, and relationships. Demonstrate the fruit of the spirit and love as an approach to life and business.
  • My passion is to help people. If I can in some way help someone fulfill their dreams or purpose, or fill a need, I can change the world.


About Robin Hair:

Robin Hair is uniquely talented at planning, speaking, and facilitating events designed to evoke a life changing response and bring to fruition dreams and visions of individuals seeking to connect with their destiny. People who attend her events walk away with newfound passion and feel empowered to overcome obstacles to reach their full potential. Dreams are fulfilled. New businesses are formed.

Robin Hair is a Best-SellingAuthor, International Speaker and Entrepreneur who lives near the City of Atlanta. She is a Co-Author of the Hot new release, the Souled Out Anthology which launched April 2018.Her company, N2Fruition, LLC of Winston, Georgia, hosts an annual Women’s Retreat in the North Georgia Mountains and is expanding to Kenya and South Africa. She sponsors a foreign missions trip to support a school in Kenya. She is also the visionary for the7th Annual Christmas Cantata and Toy Giveaway hosted by Christ Apostolic Life Church.


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