[Ep #102] It’s all about finding balance!

Topic: It’s all about finding balance!

My guest today says “Our primary calling is to be in personal relationship with God, the work we do is a natural byproduct of that relationship.”

Joining me today is Angela Herrington.

Angela is founder of Broken Beautiful BOLD online women’s ministry, a life and digital strategy coach for Christian Entrepreneurs and the founder of ReEngage social media agency which supports creative business owners and faith based projects. She loves helping women find freedom and fulfillment in their God given calling.

Angela is a wife, mom to 5, and lives in Indiana with her family when they’re not traveling the US in their RV.

On today’s show Angela is going to share:

  • The work God calls us to do, was never meant to be our calling. Don't chase the work or it will distract you from your real calling, which is connecting with God daily.
  • Being a Christian entrepreneur requires you to be a little out of the box, because God sits on your board of directors and His vote counts double.
  • No one can do this alone and no one can do it all the time without resting. It's all about finding balance!


About Angela J Herrington:

Life and Digital Strategy Coach for Christian Entrepreneurs, Angela J Herrington, loves helping women find freedom and fulfillment in their God given calling. She coaches Christian women and teaches businesses how to tap into the power of digital marketing to grow their business and increase their impact. She specializes in developing sales funnels and social media strategies for out of the box coaches and solopreneurs who want to make a difference in their communities. In just four years she has built multiple social media and blogging platforms that reach over 400,000 people in 40+ countries each month.


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