[Ep #08] Improve Your Holistic Well-Being across all Five Dimensions of Health

Topic: Improve Your Holistic Well-Being across all Five Dimensions of Health

Your body is the ONLY body you have and it needs to carry you right through until the end of your days, which is why my guest today is passionate about sharing her message around how we can take better care of ourselves across the 5 dimensions of health.

Joining me on today’s show is Kitty Cheng.

Kitty was born in Hong Kong and immigrated to Melbourne when she was fourteen. Her personal health and familial issues guided her towards studying health, wellbeing and Psychology, and further lead her to being a wellness coach and nutritionist, specializing in weight management. In the last 7 years, her business has allowed her to help hundreds of clients reach their wellness and weight goals, as well as discover their life purpose by following their inner compass.


Kitty is dedicated to making a difference and adding value to business owners and professional people in the corporate world, by helping them to understand how they can live a happy, healthy and fulfilled life and on today's show she speaks about:

  • Tips on having a healthy lifestyle;
  • The importance of holistic well-being and 5 dimensions of health;
  • Key learnings about true wealth – your first wealth is health, true wealth has to be created from the inside out;





About Kitty Cheng: 

Kitty Cheng was born in Hong Kong and immigrated to Melbourne when she was fourteen. Her personal health and familial issues guided her towards studying health, wellbeing and Psychology, and further lead her to being a wellness coach and nutritionist, specializing in weight management. In the last 7 years, her business has allowed her to help hundreds of clients reach their wellness and weight goals, as well as discover their life purpose by following their inner compass.

Kitty is dedicated to making a difference and adding value to business owners and professional people in the corporate world, by helping them to understand how they can live a happy, healthy and fulfilled life.


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